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Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Oakland - Curriculum

Thursday Morning Didactics

The backbone of the curriculum occurs on Thursdays from 7 to 9am, when residents are protected from clinical responsibilities. Each subspecialty block is led by a resident and attending team who choose background reading, educational format and guest presenters. This allows for greater resident influence within the curriculum and facilitates mentorship.
Educational schedule

Residents Camille Huwyler, Barcleigh Landau and Caitlin Pacheco during Thursday didactics

Head and Neck Oncology Tumor Board

The Multidisciplinary Tumor Board reviews over 1100 head and neck cancer cases per year across Kaiser Permanente Northern California. The video conference brings together expertise from across the entire region.

Journal Club

Journal Club is held bimonthly over dinner and hosted by faculty members at their homes.

Residents and faculty at Dr. Rivero’s home for a recent journal club

Grand Rounds

Half-day grand rounds are held quarterly, rotating topics by sub-specialty. Residents present lectures along with faculty and invited guest speakers. Afterwards, we discuss our M&M&M cases (Mortality & Morbidity & Misdiagnoses).

Temporal Bone Dissection Course

Our temporal bone laboratory is used to teach an annual dissection course. A 3-day intensive course covers everything from mastoidectomy, stapedectomy, labyrinthectomy and endoscopic otologic surgery. During the course, the residents alternate between dedicated lecture time and independent dissection/drilling. Lectures are given by Kaiser Permanente faculty and visiting professors from the University of California Davis.

Dr. Benjamin Malkin supervising Dr. Rijul Kshirsagar as he drills a temporal bone

Facial Trauma Plating Course

During the Trauma education block, synthetic skulls and plating equipment are brought in to apply the repair principles being taught in lecture. Each resident receives a synthetic skull and a set of fractures to reduce and plate.

Head and Neck Anatomy Course

This is currently held in conjunction with other Bay Area residency programs. Usually conducted over two days with fresh frozen cadavers to allow for adequate soft tissue dissection.

Microvascular Course

We conduct a microvascular course annually for residents to practice basic microvascular surgical techniques using chicken thigh vessels and nerves.

Drs. Chris Xiao and Rijul Kshirsagar are practicing nerve repair using the axoguard nerve connector.

Cosmetic Injection Course

We conduct a hands-on Cosmetic Injection course twice a year for the residents. Each resident is supplied their own Botox, Juvederm, Kybella, and other products. We review in-office plastic surgery techniques and improve their cosmetic skills under the supervision of our Facial Plastic Surgery instructors.

Simulation Training

Our PGY-1 residents attend a multi-institutional one-day simulation bootcamp where they learn important procedural skills and practice responding to Otolaryngology emergencies.

Our residents participating in a difficult airway simulation session.

Visiting Professorships

Once a year, we invite a prominent Otolaryngologist to our medical center for a day-long conference. Usually the morning is spent discussing interesting patient cases presented by residents and the afternoon is filled with a series of didactic lectures given by the professor.

Kaiser Permanente GME Courses

Health Policy, Leadership and more

External Courses

Our residents frequently participate in national or regional courses, including:

  • UCSF Otolaryngology Update
  • Vanderbilt Temporal Bone Dissection Course (attended by chief residents)
  • Stanford Otology Update
  • Stanford Facial Plastics Course
  • Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Apnea and Snoring
  • Western States Rhinology Course
Dr. Steven Micucci honing his endoscopic ear surgery skills at the Vanderbilt Otology Course
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