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Family Medicine San Jose - Curriculum & Rotation Schedule

We designed an outpatient clinic-focused curriculum with 2-week blocks to allow for frequent repetition of high value rotations, the flexibility to schedule additional rotations, and encourage immediate feedback from faculty.

Residents will have opportunity to customize parts of some rotations to meet their training and future practice needs.

Rotation Schedule

Hospital Based Service (Medicine) 12 weeks
Ob/Gyn 8 weeks
Outpatient Pediatrics 4 weeks
Inpatient Pediatrics 4 weeks
Emergency Medicine 3 week
Orthopedics Sports Medicine 4 weeks
Lifestyle Medicine 2 weeks
Newborn Rotation 2 weeks
Cardiology 2 weeks
POCUS/Modular Based Learning 2 weeks
Psychiatry 2 weeks
Clinical Skills 2 weeks
Professional Development 2 weeks
Hospital Based Service (Medicine) 8 weeks
OBGYN 4 weeks
Outpatient Pediatrics 4 weeks
Inpatient Pediatrics 4 weeks
Emergency Medicine 3 weeks
Orthopedics/Sports Medicine 2 weeks
Procedure Clinic 4 weeks
Medical Subspecialty “Selective” 2 weeks
PM&R/Pain Mgmt 2 weeks
Electives 8 weeks
Endocrinology 2 weeks
Intensive Care Unit 2 weeks
Regional Health Policy Elective 2 weeks
Professional Development 2 weeks
Hospital Based Service (Medicine) 12 weeks
OBGYN 4 weeks
Outpatient Pediatrics 4 weeks
Emergency Medicine 2 weeks
Orthopedics/Sports Medicine 2 weeks
Procedure Clinic 4 weeks
Community Medicine 2 weeks
Addiction Medicine 1 weeks
Electives 8 weeks
Surgical & Medical Subspecialties “Selectives” 6 weeks
Global Health 2 weeks
Professional Development 2 weeks
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