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Hematology/Oncology Fellowship (ACGME) - FAQ

What is the deadline for applying? When is the interview season?

We accept applications through ERAS and participate in the NRMP match program.  Applications are typically accepted between July-August. Interviews will take place between September and October.

How many fellows are in the program?

 Our program accepts 2 fellows per year. There are a total of 6 fellows in the program.

How often will I be on call? Do I have to stay in the hospital for my call?

In-house overnight call only occurs during the Stanford Bone Marrow Transplant rotation. All other calls are taken from home. Fellows typically have a two-weekend call per month- during their inpatient service rotations.

What is unique about the Kaiser Permanente oncology fellowship?

We are a small program with an innovative approach to medical education and clinical research, designed to maximize the educational experience.  In contrast to the old model of fellowship education, where the fellows served as a stopgap for understaffed services, our fellows are added to services that function well already.  In this way, fellows’ time is focused on direct patient care and learning. Research time is valued, and we have excellent research mentors to help guide you toward your future career path as well as internal funding mechanisms to provide you with the resources you will need to achieve your research goals.

What research opportunities are there?

See the page regarding research. We offer many opportunities for clinical, epidemiological, outcomes and clinical trials research.

How will I be mentored?

All fellows will choose a research mentor their first year.  Fellows will work closely with their research mentor to design and complete clinical research. The experience of working with a research mentor will provide the trainee the necessary training to carry on independent research.

How much vacation time will I have?

KP Northern California GME policy allows for 20 days of vacation and 5 days of education leave per academic year.

Can I afford to live in San Francisco?

As one of the most desirable locations to live and work in the country, the cost of living in San Francisco is high. Kaiser Permanente provides one of the most generous resident and trainee compensation packages in the country. See the Salaries and Benefits page for more details.

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