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Gastroenterology Fellowship (ACGME) - Faculty

We are a faculty group with a broad range of clinical expertise and research experience, and our goal is to provide comprehensive training to future gastroenterologists in all aspects of the specialty. In order to provide the necessary breadth of fellowship education, we have a faculty member with clinical expertise within every subspecialty focus of gastroenterology.

Nizar Mukhtar, MD
Program Director

Jeffrey Fox, MD, MPH
Associate Program Director, Regional Chair of Gastroenterology

Lyle Shlager, MD

Fernando Velayos, MD, MPH
Chief of Gastroenterology, Kaiser San Francisco, Key Clinical Faculty, IBD Regional Program

Rosa Valadao, MD
Chief of Gastroenterology, Kaiser Oakland

Howard Chang, MD
Site Director, Kaiser Oakland

Jeff Lee, MD, MPH
Key Clinical Faculty, Research

Douglas Corley, MD, PhD, MPH

Yao Heng, MD

Andrew Lu, MD

Elizabeth Ross, MD

Suraj Gupta, MD
Key Clinical Faculty, Advanced Endoscopy

Michelle Nazareth, MD, FACG

Chris Hamerski, MD

Kunal Karia, MD

Liat Fine, MD

Angela Lam, MD

Our goal is to provide an excellent, well-rounded educational experience that prepares fellows for a successful career in diagnosing and treating patients with digestive disorders. We have outstanding clinicians, researchers and a large, diverse patient population. Our role as a tertiary center within a large integrated health network provides the unique opportunity to diagnose and treat both common and unusual gastrointestinal disorders. We look forward to teaching our fellows in this clinical setting, and are committed to training future gastroenterologists. Thank you very much for your interest in our program!– Dr. Lyle Shlager, Program Director

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