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Residency Elective in Health Policy - Program Director Approval

Complete this form for your resident/fellow applicant(s). Program Director approval is required to ensure that participants accepted into the program are in good standing and will have cleared schedules to fully participate in the program. All applicants must have their PD approval to be considered for the course.

2024 Course Dates: Monday, September 30 – Friday, October 11th. There is no programming on Saturday/Sunday between program weeks, October 5 & 6.

Course Attendance Policy:

Participants accepted into the course are expected to attend all ten days of the course, as agreed in the application process. One full-day excused absence is allowed for the following residency program activities upon request: required testing, fellowship interview, and program retreat. Due to the nature of the course, missing the last day of the program is not excused. Participants accepted into the program who anticipate needing an excused absence, will be instructed to notify course leadership before the course, and Cc their Program Director. Program participants will also receive details for how to proceed, and who to contact, should they experience an unanticipated illness, emergency, or need for tardiness, during the course.

Attendance expectations are the same for this virtual course as any in-person elective rotation and should also adhere to the participant’s residency institution’s absence/sick day policy. Punctual attendance and full participation in all sessions and group project time are required. Sessions will begin promptly at the time listed in the course schedule, unless otherwise announced. To improve the virtual interactive experience, participants are highly encouraged to be on camera during the Q&A and discussion portions of each session.

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