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Community & Global Health - Program Guide

All Kaiser Permanente residents and fellows, in good standing, and with approval from their program director, may choose a Kaiser Permanente Global Health Program (KP-GHP) assignment for their elective.


Residents interested in participating in a global health clinical rotation must complete an online application.


Residents will continue to earn their regular salary when participating in a global health elective.

Financial support

Financial support is available to Kaiser Permanente Northern California residents approved to participate in the KP-GHP. Funding amount is variable, based upon clinical site. Applications will be reviewed and considered on a case by case basis. Funding support will be limited to travel, housing, and necessary in-country licensure associated with the clinical rotation only (does not cover expenses outside of the clinical rotation period).

Residents who have been approved by the residency program director are eligible for reimbursement of limited program expenses, based on the clinical site and duration of the clinical rotation.  Affiliated program sites are eligible for a higher level of reimbursement than non-affiliated global health sites.  Details of reimbursement amounts can be obtained from the global health program administrator.  In order for applications for funding support to be considered, the application must be submitted 2 months in advance for an affiliated program site, and 3 months in advance for a non-affiliated program site.

Covered expenses include:
– Airfare (must be booked through the KP Travel Center)
– Ground transportation to/from airport to program site
– Housing during the period of clinical rotation
– Certain program costs
– In-country licensure, if needed

All reimbursements require the submission of receipts. A partial list of expenses which are not covered include: individual food expenses, travel or housing not related directly to clinical work, and donations of medications or supplies provided to the program.

Housing and Food Provisions

Housing and food costs will vary with each clinical site. The KP-GHP will provide you with information regarding the housing and meal options (onsite housing, apartments, host family, etc.) for the specific clinical site.

Healthcare Coverage

If you are a Kaiser Foundation Health plan member, your coverage will continue while you are participating in the KP-GHP. If necessary, residents will incur “out of pocket” expenses and submit a claim form upon return. Upon return, contact member services at 1-800-464-4000.

If you are hospitalized, please contact member services at 1-800-225-8883 and the KP NCAL Out-of Area, Out-of-State and Out-of-Country team will immediately notify the attending hospital & medical team to determine, appropriate hospital, physician and appropriate level of care. If medically indicated Kaiser Permanente will repatriate you either to the nearest Kaiser Permanente, KP home facility or higher level of care.


The KP-GHP will ensure that there will be an on-site attending to provide supervision, management, guidance, and to answer any questions you may have while on assignment. This attending is responsible for evaluating the resident while on rotation.

Travel Insurance

It is recommended that you consider purchasing travel insurance to assist you in the event of a loss, theft, or damage to personal possessions and money (including travel documents), delayed baggage, and healthcare coverage if applicable (if you do not have Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Insurance.) This cost is borne by resident.

Assistance with Logistical Details

The KP-GHP will provide logistical information for your participation in the program including information on licenses/permits and basic travel information such as immunization needs, suggested packing lists, and information about the region and country.

Goals and Objectives of a Global Health Rotation

Educational goals and objectives for the KP-GHP are required and will vary based on clinical site and specialty. You will develop your goals and objectives in advance of the rotation. Please contact the GHP Project Manager if you need assistance.

Resident Evaluation of a Global Health Rotation

Residents who participate in the KP-GHP are required to complete a clinical rotation evaluation at the conclusion of the rotation.

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